
Resolving foul odors

Noticing an unpleasant odor? Before you call us, there are some simple things you can do.

If you notice a noxious, sewer-like smell, this could be sewer gas, which often comes from the drainage system. This type of gas carries methane and bacteria that can be harmful. If you notice this smell, pour hot water and a small amount of vinegar down your drain and then leave water running for 2-3 minutes. Every drain is installed with a ‘p-trap.’ These traps are in the shape of a “U” to hold water, creating a barrier between sewer gas and your fresh air. If drains are not used enough, often times the water evaporates letting these unpleasant odors in.

Smells coming from your kitchen sink or dishwasher can be left over food rot in the drain line. The best solution for this is white vinegar and hot water.  You can even run your dishwasher with nothing in it on a clean cycle to rinse out any food decay.

Often times we are called due to smells not relating to plumbing issue. If your home is off-grade, be sure it is not a dead animal or rat issue. If there is a urine smell, it can commonly be a sign of a rat issue.

If problems are reoccurring or not fixed at all,  give us a call to make a diagnosis.

Contact us

We’re here to answer any questions you may have about worrisome foul odors. Call or email us today to set up the assistance you need.

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